Senate of the Cyprus University of Technology

According to article 14 of L.198 (I) / 2003 " The Law on Cyprus University of Technology 2003 ," the Senate is the supreme academic body of the University and is responsible for the academic work of the University in teaching and research . Particularly:

  • It approves the decisions of the Rector, the academic programmes, the level of entrance and as a preliminary examinations, the grading system, promotions and the diplomas and degrees awarding.
  • It defines the University needs in premises and equipment, budget allocation and the University’s relations with other universities and educational institutions.
  • It constitutes a secondary crisis instrument and appellate disciplinary board.
  • It recommends to the Council the establishment or abolition of faculties or departments and the number of students admitted.
  • It establishes committees from its members and may delegate to them, on the terms and conditions it deems appropriate to impose, any of its powers.
  • It submits to the Council a report on all matters remitted to it by the Council for study and report.
  • It exercises any power and performs any duty that is granted or imposed by relevant Act or Regulations.


According to Article 13 (1) of L.198 (I) / 2003 " The Law on Cyprus University of Technology 2003 ", the Senate consists of the following members:

  • The Rector and two Vice-Rectors of the University
  • The Deans of the Faculties
  • Two representatives from the teaching staff (elected) of each Faculty elected by the Faculty Council, regardless their membership in the Board of the relevant Faculty
  • Two representatives of teaching and research staff (being integrated) of each Faculty elected by the Council of the School whether they are board members of the respective Faculty
  • Representatives of the University's students, whose number corresponds to the number of schools and who are elected by all the students of the University.
  • The Administration and Finance Director , without voting 
  • Library Director without voting


Senate Responsibilities

According to article 14 of L.198 (I) / 2003 " The Law on Cyprus University of Technology 2003 ," the Senate is the supreme academic body of the University and is responsible for the academic work of the University in teaching and research . Particularly:

  • It approves the decisions of the Rector, the academic programmes, the level of entrance and as a preliminary examinations, the grading system, promotions and the diplomas and degrees awarding.
  • It defines the University needs in premises and equipment, budget allocation and the University’s relations with other universities and educational institutions.
  • It constitutes a secondary crisis instrument and appellate disciplinary board.
  • It recommends to the Council the establishment or abolition of faculties or departments and the number of students admitted.
  • It establishes committees from its members and may delegate to them, on the terms and conditions it deems appropriate to impose, any of its powers.
  • It submits to the Council a report on all matters remitted to it by the Council for study and report.
  • It exercises any power and performs any duty that is granted or imposed by relevant Act or Regulations.


According to Article 13 (1) of L.198 (I) / 2003 " The Law on Cyprus University of Technology 2003 ", the Senate consists of the following members:

  • The Rector and two Vice-Rectors of the University
  • The Deans of the Faculties
  • Two representatives from the teaching staff (elected) of each Faculty elected by the Faculty Council, regardless their membership in the Board of the relevant Faculty
  • Two representatives of teaching and research staff (being integrated) of each Faculty elected by the Council of the School whether they are board members of the respective Faculty
  • Representatives of the University's students, whose number corresponds to the number of schools and who are elected by all the students of the University.
  • The Administration and Finance Director , without voting 
  • Library Director without voting


Administrative Support

Elena Tyllirou