Handling the covid-19 challenge (online webinar)

Φοιτητικά Νέα Συμβουλευτική

Dear students,

We are wishing you a Happy Easter! You are invited to an one hour on-line webinar in collaboration with UCLAN, introducing psychological skills for managing this challenging time! The webinar will be in English language.

Join us on the 22nd of April at 5 pm on Microsoft Teams (click here)

What can I get out of this seminar?

This seminar will address a series of practical psychological skills for better managing this period of uncertainty and physical isolation

1. Learn how to live better within an environment of uncertainty.

2. Learn to organize your time and keep a healthy routine.

3. Find ways to better handle strong feelings of anxiety.

4. Develop practical and creative skills for handling new challenges and problems during this time.


Contact us

Cyprus University of Technology, Centre of Student Development

Georgia.frangou@cut.ac.cy, Contact number: 25002411

(using the name of the webinar)

UCLan Cyprus:

Vchristodoulou2@uclan.ac.uk, Contact number: 24694015

(using the name of the webinar)

Handling the covid-19 challenge (online webinar)

Dear students,

We are wishing you a Happy Easter! You are invited to an one hour on-line webinar in collaboration with UCLAN, introducing psychological skills for managing this challenging time! The webinar will be in English language.

Join us on the 22nd of April at 5 pm on Microsoft Teams (click here)

What can I get out of this seminar?

This seminar will address a series of practical psychological skills for better managing this period of uncertainty and physical isolation

1. Learn how to live better within an environment of uncertainty.

2. Learn to organize your time and keep a healthy routine.

3. Find ways to better handle strong feelings of anxiety.

4. Develop practical and creative skills for handling new challenges and problems during this time.


Contact us

Cyprus University of Technology, Centre of Student Development

Georgia.frangou@cut.ac.cy, Contact number: 25002411

(using the name of the webinar)

UCLan Cyprus:

Vchristodoulou2@uclan.ac.uk, Contact number: 24694015

(using the name of the webinar)