Call for papers (Closed, 2nd of May 2011)
The official languages of the conference are Greek and English.
Thematic areas
The conference is categorized into 6 main thematic areas, under the
scope of Semiotics and:
- Design for Print applications
- Design for Screen based media
- Design for three-dimensional products
- Pedagogy of Visual Communication
- Architecture and Spatial design
- Visual Arts
Some indicative issues include, but are not limited to Semiotics and:
Typography, Editorial design, Publishing, Advertising, Packaging and Information design.
Interface and web design, Multimedia design and interactive applications, Animation, Motion graphics and Kinetic-typography.
Product design, Jewelry design, Fashion and Textile design.
Architecture, Interior design, Landscape architecture, Scientific mapping and mental maps.
Photography, Illustration, Painting, New-media art, Video, Film, Cinema and Television.
Speakers are invited to engage with the above thematic areas, and should describe original work, either completed historical or theoretical research or significant work in progress. Individual papers will be allocated 30 minutes (20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion).
Submissions will be reviewed on the basis of extended abstracts between 400 and 600 words, to be received by e-mail no later than the 2nd of May 2011. Abstracts must include the thematic area, the title of the paper, the full name/s, together with author/s brief c.v. of no more than 200 words, institutional and e-mail addresses of all authors and a telephone number for at least one contact author. Authors will be notified by the 6th of June 2011 about review results for their submissions. Publication opportunities of extended versions of a selected range of papers will be considered in the form of an edited book.
For abstract submission and proposal inquiries please contact:
Evripides Zantides, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus, Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts, e-mail:
The abstract proposals can be in Greek or English and should include the following information:
- ABSTRACT (between 400 and 600 words)
- BRIEF CV (of no more than 200 words)