
The CUT is in the city center, where there are all kind of shops, restaurants, markets and other services.

Shop Opening Hours

Shop opening hours vary, depending on their type and location i.e. whether they are located in urban, tourist or rural areas.

Generally, shops open between 09:00-20:00 on Monday-Saturday, but this can vary an hour or two either way, depending on the type of the shop and the area it is located in. On Sunday, opening times are later, typically around 11:00, and closing times vary from 14:00- 22:00, again depending on the type of outlet and its location.

Some shops still observe a half-day closing on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons and close on Sunday, although in most of the tourist areas of Cyprus, both shops and supermarkets stay open till late at night and are also open on Sundays. During the period of June 15th-August 31st, there is an optional three-hour afternoon break/rest from 14:00- 17:00 (siesta).

Special shopping hours apply for Christmas and Easter holiday periods, with shops permitted to stay open later than usual.

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The CUT is in the city center, where there are all kind of shops, restaurants, markets and other services.

Shop Opening Hours

Shop opening hours vary, depending on their type and location i.e. whether they are located in urban, tourist or rural areas.

Generally, shops open between 09:00-20:00 on Monday-Saturday, but this can vary an hour or two either way, depending on the type of the shop and the area it is located in. On Sunday, opening times are later, typically around 11:00, and closing times vary from 14:00- 22:00, again depending on the type of outlet and its location.

Some shops still observe a half-day closing on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons and close on Sunday, although in most of the tourist areas of Cyprus, both shops and supermarkets stay open till late at night and are also open on Sundays. During the period of June 15th-August 31st, there is an optional three-hour afternoon break/rest from 14:00- 17:00 (siesta).

Special shopping hours apply for Christmas and Easter holiday periods, with shops permitted to stay open later than usual.